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About Us

Coach Ian started his journey back in 2008 when he was first introduced to Crossfit. Shortly after he started to take a focus on Olympic style weightlifting. Within a few months of focused training he would take to the platform and never look back.

Ian decided to take his training to the next level. He moved from California to Las Vegas, Nevada where he trained with John Broz and Pat Mendes of Average Broz Gym. From there he would become a nationally ranked lifter in the 69kg weight class.

Ian became one of the top 69kg lifters in the country and was asked to train under the watchful eye of Alexander Krychev and Ivan Abadjiev, some of the most well known coaches in weightlifting history.

Ian was then invited to the Olympic Weightlifting Center where he lived and trained under Zygmunt Smalcerz. After years of training under arguably some of the best coaches in weightlifting, Coach Droze is eager to share his learnings and knowledge with you and help you succeed at the highest level.


  • Two Las Vegas Open Gold medals (69kg weightclass)
  • California State Games Champion (69kg weightclass)
  • Multiple USAW National Championship Medals (69kg weightclass)
  • American open silver medalist (69kg weightclass)
  • Colorado State champion and best lifter award (77kg weightclass)
  • American weightlifting Federation champion (85kg weightclass)

Coach Ian’s Weightlifting Clubs:

  • Cadence Barbell club out of CrossFit cadence

Follow Coach Ian:

Instagram: @enjoyian & @gain_city